Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bantul District Overview


Bantul regency is located south of Yogyakarta Province, bordering with:
North: City of Yogyakarta and Sleman District
South: Samudera Indonesia
East: Gunung Kidul Regency
West: West Progo Regency

Bantul District lies between 07 ° 44 '04 "- 08 ° 00' 27" south latitude and 110 ° 12 '34 "- 110 ° 31' 08" East Longitude.

The total area of the Bantul regency 508.85 km2 (5 of the total area of 15.90 DIY) with lowland topography as 140% and more than half (60%) are less fertile hilly areas, generally consist of:

Western Section, is the less sloping areas and hills stretching from North to South width of 89.86 km2 (17.73% of the entire region).
Middle part, are flat and sloping area is an area of fertile agricultural area of 210.94 km2 (41.62%).

Eastern Section, is an area of sloping, steeply sloping and that the situation is still better than the western region, an area of 206.05 km2 (40.65%).
Southern Section, is actually part of the Central part of the region with its natural state is gritty and a little bit berlagun, lies in the South Coast of Srandakan Sanden and Kretek.

Land Use:
1. Yard: 18327.15 ha (36.16%)
2. Wetland: 16823.84 ha (33.19%)
3. Moor: 7554.45 ha (14.90%)
4. Forest Land: 1697.80 Ha (3.35%)

Bantul regency flowed 6 River that flows all year long with 114 km2. Namely:
1. Oyo River: 35.75 km
2. Opak River: 19.00 km
3. Code River: 7.00 km
4. Winongo River: 18.75 km
5. Bedog River: 9.50 km
6. Progo River: 24.00 km


Consists of 17 Districts, 75 Village, 933 Hamlet.


Registration Results in the Beginning of Year 2002

1. Total Population (Life) 789,745
- Laki-Laki (Soul) 386,777 = 48.97%
- Women (Life) 402,968 = 51.03%
- Adult Population (Life) 603,839 = 76.46%
- Population of Children (Soul) 185,906 = 23.54%

3. Family Leader (KK) 196,212

4. Population Movements in the Year 2002
a. Born (L) 6917 = 0.88%
b. Comes (D) 7268 = 0.92%
c. Die (M) 3573 = 0.45%
d. Go (P) 3927 = 0.50%

5. Increase in Population Year 2002 6.685 = 0.85%

6. Natural increase (L-M) 3344 = 0.42%

7. Population Density (people/km2) 1558