Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gunung Kidul District Overview


Gunungkidul District is one district in Yogyakarta province, with capital Wonosari. The total area of 1485.36 km2 Gunungkidul district or approximately 46.63% of the total area of Yogyakarta Province. Wonosari town situated at the southeastern city of Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Provincial Capital), a distance of ± 39 km. Gunungkidul district area is divided into 18 districts and 144 villages

Location of geography:
21'sampai 110o 110o 50 'East Longitude
46'sampai 7O 8O 09 'south latitude

Gunungkidul District Boundaries:

West: Bantul and Sleman (Yogyakarta province).
North side: District of Klaten and Sukoharjo (Central Java).
East side: District Wonogiri (Central Java).
The South: Indian Ocean


The average rainfall in the year 2007 Gunungkidul District of 1720.86-mm / year with the number of rainy days on average 115 days per year. Wet months 4 - 6 months, while the dry months ranging from 4 - 5 months. The rainy season begins in October - November and ends in May-June every year. Rainfall peak reached in December - Pebruari.Wilayah Gunungkidul Regency North is a region which has the highest rainfall over central and southern regions, while southern areas have Gunungkidul beginning at the end rain.

Temperatures Gunungkidul District for a daily average temperature of 27.7 ° C, minimum temperature of 23.2 ° C and maximum temperature of 32.4 ° C. Relative humidity ranged Gunungkidul District 80% - 85%. This relative humidity for the region Gunungkidul County is not too affected by the high places, but it is influenced by season. The highest humidity occurs in the months January to March, while the lowest in September.

In District 2 there Gunungkidul Watershed (DAS) is Opak - Oyo and Dengkeng. Each DAS consists of several sub-watersheds.


Gunungkidul District consists of 18 districts, 144 villages, 1416 villages, 1583 RW, and RT 6844. Districts in Gunungkidul, among others: Sub Grill, Purwosari, Paliyan, Saptosari, Tepus, Tanjungsari, Rongkop, Girisubo, Semanu, Ponjong, Karangmojo, Wonosari, Playen, peck, Gedangsari, Nglipar, Ngawen, and Semin. Of the 144 villages, 141 villages classified Self Reliance and Self sufficiency 3 villages including the village.

While the number of Village Community Development Institute (LPMD) in 2007 was 144, with 95 and 49 grew LPMD classification LPMD including developing classifications.


Gunung Kidul District has a diverse potential of the economy ranging from agriculture, fishery and animal husbandry, forests, flora and fauna, industry, mining and tourism potential.

Owned agricultural Gunungkidul District is largely rainfed upland (± 90%), which depends on climate, particularly rainfall cycle. Irrigated rice fields are relatively narrow and largely rainfed. Mining of natural resources that belong to this class C as: limestone, pumice, calcite, zeolite, bentonite, trace, kaolin and quartz sand.

Gunungkidul District also has a fairly long beach area located on the south by the Indian Ocean, extends along approximately 65 km from district to district Girisubo Purwosari. Potential of marine products and tourism is very big and open for development.

Other potential of handicraft industry, food, processing of agricultural products which are all very potential to be developed.


In the year 2007 at the District Hospital Gunungkidul there is only 1 government, 1 private hospitals and 140 health centers. Of the 140 health centers can be categorized 13 PHC Nursing, 16 Non-Care health centers and 111 health centers. In relation to the implementation of family planning acceptors porgram active in Gunungkidul district in the year 2007 reached 107,307 persons. In general aksektor chose to use injectable contraceptives, IUD and the pill, respectively 45,298, 25,262 and 20,291 people or a third of contraception is chosen by approximately 84.66% of all active acceptors.

For the cultural sector, conditions of life and cultural activities and arts in general Gunungkidul district is still going well, seen from the efforts and community activities to maintain and develop the existing culture and the arts. In fact, too, looked the effort to dig back to the culture and the arts that is nearing extinction, and succession planning efforts to younger generations

Developments in the field of spiritual development can be seen from many places of worship of each religion. Places of worship of Muslims, Christians, Kholik, Hinduism and Buddhism each 2541 units, 96 units, 28 units, 14 units and 8 units. Viewed from the number of religious adherents, in the year 2007 in the District recorded 732.701umat Gunungkidul Islam, 12,795 Christians, 10,142 people are Catholic, 2776 Hindus, Buddhists and 626.


Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) Gunungkidul Regency at current prices in 2007 amounted to 4,872,123 million rupiah with the largest contribution given by the agricultural sector that is equal to 34.03%, followed by services sector contributions amounting to 18.25%.

Gunungkidul Regency GRDP based on constant 2000 prices in 2007 amounted to 2,941,288 million rupiah, an increase of 110,705 million rupiah. While GDP per capita at constant prices in 2000 Gunungkidul County residents in 2007 amounted to 4,292,535 atahun pad rupiah. And GDP per kapitas at current prices Gunungkidul County population in 2007 amounted to 7,110,408 dollars.

Gunungkidul District Population projections based on 2000 Population Census and Population Census 2005 censal year 2007 amounted to 685,210 inhabitants spread over 18 districts and 144 villages, with the highest population of Sub Wonosari with 75,517 inhabitants. Overall, more female population than male residents, that is 349,799 women and 335,411 men.

Viewed from the main work status, the majority of District residents to work as family workers Gunungkidul approximately 36.56% of the total working population. While trying to help workers remain, still very little that is about 0.80%.

For population based on age in 2007 according to projections SP 2000 - SUPAS2005 & Proportion Susesnas 2006 are as follows Age 0-4 years (toddlers) as much as 41,935 people, as many as 46,041 people 5-9 Years, Ages 10-14Tahun totaled 53,143, while the age of the Soul 15-19Tahun counted 49,730 inhabitants, 32,508 were aged 20-24 years the Soul, as many as 40,984 jiiwa age 25-29, age 30-34 as many as 46,246 inhabitants, as many as 52,502 people age 35-39, age 40-44 is 49,255 people, 44,398 souls age 45-49, age 50-54 years 44,409 inhabitants, and 44,984 people ages 55-59 years, while age 60 + as much as 139,075 inhabitants.